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Healthy fats can assist improve joint health and reduce inflammation, but treatment is also required.
Arthritis involves pain or inflammation in the joints. There are several types of arthritis; however, osteoarthritis is the most common
The term “arthritis” refers to more than 150 conditions. They impact the joints, bones, and muscles, as the cartilage in the joints deteriorates, slowly the pain initiates. So, are only diet and exercise helpful to cure arthritis?
Well, the answer is a big “NO”. There is no “miracle food” or diet that may treat musculoskeletal disorders or arthritis. However, for your general health, exercise and a nutritious, balanced diet are the best options. For example, consuming more omega-3 fatty acids may help those who suffer from inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. Healthy fats can assist improve joint health and reduce inflammation, but treatment is also required.
Lifestyle shifts, treatment, and medication are key to managing arthritis discomfort. Nutrition is vital, but it’s only part of the solution to joint pain. Dr. Manasa, Senior Physiotherapist, SBF Healthcare, Bengaluru shares insights on diet and lifestyle changes. They can help relieve discomfort when used with medical treatments.
First, weight adds pressure to the joints and exacerbates inflammation. So, a balanced diet can help maintain weight and reduce arthritis symptoms. It is important to add the right amount of calcium to your diet as it can prevent both loss of quality and quantity of bones.
Water has multiple uses and is hence an exlir. Drinking enough water is necessary to eliminate toxins from our body and lower inflammation. Water can, however, aid in joint lubrication, regeneration, and cushioning. Synovial fluid, which lubricates and nourishes the joints, is produced in large part by water. Additionally, water supports our cartilage, which is 65–80% water. Being properly hydrated also promotes the health of cartilage because it is made up of 65–80% water, which helps with lubrication and regeneration. Drinking enough water can help avoid gout attacks, a kind of arthritis, since it helps flush away excess uric acid.
Joint pain does not imply that one should cease all movement, sitting, or standing. By performing range-of-motion exercises, low-impact aerobic activities, moderate strength training, and regular mild stretches, you can keep your joints active. Because a lack of activity can lead your body to become rigid and weaken your muscles and stamina. Additionally, our posture might occasionally cause joint pain. Therefore, maintaining proper posture is essential. Before beginning any activity, it is best to speak with a physical therapist.
Stress is a vicious cycle, so it can negatively impact arthritis by exacerbating muscle tension, and mental health leading to fatigue and sleep deprivation. It can also lead us to unhealthy habits like smoking which can create stress on connective tissues, potentially worsening arthritis pain.
Last, but not least, be aware of your arthritis symptoms. Also, today’s generation is more addicted to finding solutions through online and social media. And no doubt you will go through lots of conflicting pages. Therefore, it is important to consult your physician immediately if your symptoms worsen or if any new habit you want to adopt to reduce joint pain. As they can diagnose and analyze your body better than you do.