Hamas Executed Gay Terrorists Within Its Ranks Who Raped Male Israeli Victims: Report

Hamas Executed Gay Terrorists Within Its Ranks Who Raped Male Israeli Victims: Report

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In a report, it was revealed that some of the male Israeli hostages of the Oct 7 attack were raped by male Hamas fighters who were later executed

Hamas executed 94 recruits after finding them guilty of sodomy, child rape, flirting with girls and indulging in homosexual conversations. (Source: Reuters)

In a report accessed and published by The New York Post, it was revealed that Hamas brutally treated and killed its own members who were found guilty of engaging in gay sex.

Some of these members were also found guilty of raping a few male Israeli victims who were taken into captive in the Oct 7 attack.

The report said that the terror group had a list of recruits who were said to have failed the “morality checks” of Hamas by indulging in same-sex relations.

The document listed the names of 94 Hamas recruits who had allegedly committed the “crimes” which included “flirting with girls without a legal relationship”, lumping “homosexual conversations” and “sodomy” along with serious allegations of child rape and torture.

Most of these Hamas fighters were involved in the terrorist organisation’s interior ministry, intelligence and military.

The allegations mentioned in the document dated between 2012 and 2019 and the recruits mentioned in the list were deemed “unacceptable” for their further association with Hamas because of their actions.

As per the report, it remains unclear what happened to the “unacceptable” recruits.

In Gaza, homosexuality is illegal and can lead to imprisonment and even death. The terrorist organisation took action against the listed alleged gay Hamas members after receiving anonymous tip-offs.

The report also includes various instances when the Oct 7 Israeli male hostages were horrifically raped by male Hamas fighters.

Hamas Executed Its Commander For Gay Sex

In 2016, Hamas former commander Mahmoud Ishtiwi was executed after he was found guilty of having gay sex.

The document included the confession of Ishtiwi and testimony on the brutal treatment he was given for a year which included hanging him with the support of his limbs for hours in Gaza jail.

He was finally executed by shooting three bullets in his chest.

Speaking to the New York Post One Israel Fund director of education and Israeli activist Eve Harow said, “Even within their own society, those who do not conform to Hamas’ extremist ideology — whether women, journalists, activists or minority groups — face persecution, imprisonment or even execution.”

News world Hamas Executed Gay Terrorists Within Its Ranks Who Raped Male Israeli Victims: Report


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