How Aluminium Foil Can Save Your Kitchen Pipes From Leaks And Rodents

How Aluminium Foil Can Save Your Kitchen Pipes From Leaks And Rodents

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A thin, glossy, malleable sheet of metal composed of aluminium, aluminium foil is frequently used for baking or to wrap and store food.

Occasionally, tiny rats can even get into the washbasin pipe through the drain.

A peculiar odour will emerge if the kitchen sink and the pipes that connect to it are not cleaned regularly. Because you cook and consume food in the sink as well as clean utensils there, maintaining sink hygiene is crucial. Going to the kitchen may also be challenging due to the unpleasant odour emanating from the pipes and washbasin. Due to being old, the pipe that connects to the washbasin frequently breaks and the leak begins. The kitchen sink’s pipes continue to have numerous other issues. You can try these aluminium foil tricks to get relief from them.

What Is An Aluminium Foil?

A thin, glossy, malleable sheet of metal composed of aluminium, aluminium foil is frequently used for baking or to wrap and store food. Paper and paperboard are combined with aluminium foil to create a surface gloss and barrier qualities. Aluminium foil typically has a thickness of 7–30 μm. Occasionally, a container’s lid is made of thick aluminium foil. These lids are heat-sealed at the top of the container and have a unique shape. Japanese juice cartons, sake cartons, and composite cans are a few examples.


  • Sometimes, when the washbasin pipe gets old, it bursts somewhere, causing water to spill. Wrap it with temporary aluminium foil if you have company coming to your house and don’t have time to visit the market. The sink’s dirty water will not drain.
  • Occasionally, tiny rats can even get into the washbasin pipe through the drain. They can nibble their way into the kitchen if the pipe is broken. Properly cover the washbasin pipe with aluminium foil to keep rats away.
  • Water can cause the kitchen pipe, if it is constructed of metal, to rust. In particular, rust occurs when it is old. Use aluminium foil to cover it if you notice corrosion. This will stop the formation of moisture. It will function as a barrier. This will stop moisture from causing the pipe to corrode.
News lifestyle How Aluminium Foil Can Save Your Kitchen Pipes From Leaks And Rodents


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