Millions of Captagon Pills Found At Syrian Airbase, ‘Poor Man’s Cocaine’ Behind Assad’s Empire?

Millions of Captagon Pills Found At Syrian Airbase, ‘Poor Man’s Cocaine’ Behind Assad’s Empire?

Last Updated: India Crux

Syrian rebels have uncovered a drug empire that thrived under the ousted Syrian regime led by Bashar al-Assad. Several videos emerging from Syria allegedly show facilities where massive amount of Captagon pills were found.Millions of Captagon pills were discovered near Mazzeh Military Airport in Syria following the fall of Bashar al-Assad, as per Al-Arabiya news.Syrian rebel forces on Dec. 11 claimed to have seized a major drug and captagon factory reportedly run by Maher al-Assad. Maher al-Assad is the deposed Syrian leader’s brother who led the Syrian army’s elite 4th Armoured Division.Captagon was a major source of revenue for the regime, generating billions every year to help prop up the regime, reports said. Hezbollah, which has fought alongside Assad’s forces during the Syrian civil war, is also believed to be complicit in the trade. Damascus has been heavily sanctioned because of the Captagon trade, and the issue angered many Gulf states, notably Saudi Arabia. n18oc_world n18oc_crux0:00 INTRODUCTION1:52 WHAT IS CAPTAGON?3:14 HOW CAPTAGON KEPT ASSAD REGIME AFLOAT IN SYRIA?5:20 SHUTTING DOWN CAPTAGON TRADE WILL DEAL A BLOW TO SYRIAN ECONOMY?


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