Moment grandfather heroically fights off ‘Rolex rippers’ with takeaway bag as they try to steal his £18k watch – as its revealed one of the muggers should have been deported a year before the attack

Moment grandfather heroically fights off ‘Rolex rippers’ with takeaway bag as they try to steal his £18k watch – as its revealed one of the muggers should have been deported a year before the attack

This is the moment a grandfather heroically fought off two ‘Rolex rippers’ by swinging a takeaway bag at their heads, as they tried to steal his £18,000 watch. 

Amine Bentaib, 30, targeted Christopher Harris for his Rolex Yacht-Master in Bouverie Place on July 8, 2023 — a year after he was due for deportation, a court has heard.

Mr Harris was targeted after he bought food from the Queen of Sheba restaurant in Paddington and carried it to an Airbnb where he was staying with his wife and granddaughter.

Video footage shows one of the men peering through the windows of the restaurant before following Mr Harris back to the front door of the Airbnb. 

As Mr Harris takes his keys out of his pocket, one of the men — seen hovering in the background — moves forward to his grab his watch.

The other mugger then joins in, trying to rip the Rolex from Mr Harris’ wrist, as people watch on. 

Judge Adam Hiddleston jailed Bentaib for 45 months, adding that he ‘will qualify as a foreign criminal and be subject to automatic deportation.’   

Amine Bentaib, 30, targeted Christopher Harris for his Rolex Yacht-Master in Bouverie Place on July 8, 2023

The two men tried to rip Mr Harris' watch from his wrist, as he defended himself with his takeaway bag

The two men tried to rip Mr Harris’ watch from his wrist, as he defended himself with his takeaway bag 

But Prosecutor Allison Summers KC told the court that Bentaib was been being pursued for deportation since 20 September 2022.

‘That did not take effect,’ she said.  

The judge said: ‘On 8 July 2023, a visitor to London – Mr Harris – returned to the AirBnb property in Bouverie Place he was staying at together with his wife and granddaughter.

‘Those two went inside while Mr Harris went to a local restaurant in order to buy some food to take out.

‘You were in the locality together with another man – he has in fact been sentenced already for this offence.

‘For some reason you take an interest in Mr Harris, presumably because you saw or because someone told you that he appeared to be wearing an expensive watch.

‘I was shown and watched with care the CCTV recording of this incident, and it is clear from what I saw that you were aware of what you were expecting to steal – and that was in fact a Rolex watch.

‘You patiently waited and watched whilst Mr Harris was inside the restaurant, when he emerged you followed him to the door to his flat.’

Bentaib then ‘attacked’ the victim, the judge said.

Bentaib watched through the restaurant windows for Mr Harris before following him to his flat

Bentaib watched through the restaurant windows for Mr Harris before following him to his flat

Mr Harris used his takeaway bag to fend off the muggers who left empty handed

Mr Harris used his takeaway bag to fend off the muggers who left empty handed 

‘Luckily, the two of you were resisted by Mr Harris who bravely fought back, using his takeaway bag to fend you off.

‘He got the better of both of you – you failed to get the watch off his wrist and then you made off.’

The court heard the judge refer to these types of offences as an ‘absolute scourge’.

Judge Hiddleston added: ‘Robbery of such high value items has become an absolute scourge in London, effecting not just those who live here but also visitors to the capital.

‘I was told between June 2022 and May 2023 there were some 1134 such watch robberies.

‘This kind of offence seems to be increasing and obviously attracts people like you, who think it is a way of making easy money no matter what the effect might be on the wellbeing of innocent members of the public, or indeed on the overall effect it has for the feeling of safety and security that all citizens are entitled to expect as they walk the streets.

‘The message has to go out that those like you who think this is easy will find that offences of this kind result ordinarily in lengthy prison sentences.

‘Of course you know that a prison sentence will follow because this is the second time in as many years that you have been caught doing this.’

Bentaib was sentenced to 45 months in prison for a ‘planned attack’ that ‘demonstrated an utter lack of respect for the law or the effect your offending has on others.’

The judge added: ‘Whilst I think it is unlikely you will be released before being deported, should any circumstances arise by which in the future you are at liberty on the streets of London, any measures that can be put in place to prevent further offending should in my judgement be deployed.’

The 30-year-old was also made subject to a criminal behaviour order.

Bentaib, of Basildon, Essex, admitted one count of attempted robbery.

Wearing a prison issue grey tracksuit, Bentaib showed no emotion as he was sentenced.

He was aided in the dock by an Arabic interpreter and is thought to come from Algeria but is nationality was not given in court.


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