Moment heroic grandmother convinces boy, 14, to confess to sickening crime

Moment heroic grandmother convinces boy, 14, to confess to sickening crime

This is the heroic moment a grandmother told her 14-year-old grandson to confess to a sickening crime that will likely put him behind bars for years. 

Jesse Stone, also known as ‘Randy John,’ from Reddick, Florida, was arrested in June after sexually assaulting a 91-year-old woman. 

He has been named publicly by police despite his age because he is being charged as an adult. 

Disturbing court documents reveal how he ‘pounced’ on his victim then punched her in the face. 

Stone denied the allegations repeatedly when confronted by police. 

But when alone with his grandmother in an interview room, she pressed him to tell the truth. 

Video of that emotional exchange has been released following his guilty plea. 

Jesse Stone, also known as ‘Randy John,’ from Reddick, Florida, was arrested in June after sexually assaulting a 91-year-old woman

Stone tried to deny what he'd done in an interview with police. His disgusted grandmother, right, urged him to come clean

Stone tried to deny what he’d done in an interview with police. His disgusted grandmother, right, urged him to come clean 

It shows his grandmother, who has not been named publicly, urging him to come clean after lying to police.  

‘She deserves the truth to be told and you know it. Personally, I can’t believe. This is a horrible thing… that’s a horrible thing,’ she said, but he insisted he wasn’t capable of a crime such as this.

‘It’s hard for me to believe too. It’s really hard for me to believe too that you would do a thing like this. But how many times have you been caught in lies?’ the grandmother said. 

‘This woman deserves to have the truth, she deserves it and you know that.’

Jesse Stone, 14, also known as Randy Stone

Jesse Stone, 14, also known as Randy Stone 

‘Look at her! Look at her face!” she demanded, pointing to evidence photos of the woman’s injuries. 

The grandmother continued: ‘I’ve never seen you hurt anybody. 

‘What the hell are you doing outside at that time of night, Randy John? It doesn’t make any sense.’

Despite his insistence on being an ‘outdoorsy person,’ she countered, ‘You’re not an outdoorsy person! You’re a sit in front of the TV kind of guy!

‘I hope and pray you did not do this to this woman. I hope and pray you did not do this because this is horrific. This is a human being and she deserves justice, she does.’ 

‘If this were to happen to your sister, what would you do? If you know anything about this, Randy John, for her at least, if you care about her, tell the truth,’ she before leaving the room. 

‘Tell the truth. Randy John, you’ve lied about stuff before.’

It was then that Stone started to buckle. He admitted to visiting the victim’s home previously. 

A DNA evidence match sealed his fate and he was arrested. 

Court records describe how around midnight, the unnamed victim saw a 'dark shadow' in the hallway of her house - before being detained in this detention center days later

Court records describe how around midnight, the unnamed victim saw a ‘dark shadow’ in the hallway of her house – before being detained in this detention center days later

At earlier points in the view, he tried repeatedly to deny that he’d attacked the woman.  

‘It’s impossible for my DNA to be on her underwear,’ Stone insisted.

The investigators then showed him a picture of the badly beaten victim.

‘Oh my god, holy cow,’ Stone’s grandmother said, dismayed.

‘We know what happened. What I want, in your own words, everything that went on that night. 

‘I know what happened and it’s only going to help you for you to be honest with me about what happened,’ the investigators pressed.

Unspecified evidence seized from the scene helped as well, leading him to admit to his crimes. He's now set to be tried as an adult

Unspecified evidence seized from the scene helped as well, leading him to admit to his crimes. He’s now set to be tried as an adult

Stone, police said, didn’t expect the victim to be awake when he broke into the home and panicked, leading him to attack her.

While the confession itself is redacted, authorities confirmed that he admitted to viewing pornography on the victim’s iPad prior to the assault. 

Stone, charged as an adult, pleaded guilty last year to two counts: sexual assault of a minor and burglary with battery. 

Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods issued a detailed statement reflecting on the case and the ‘unimaginable’ nature of the case.

‘It came as a shock that any individual would commit such an act on a 91-year-old, but it is truly disturbing when we see the young age of the arrestee,’ the statement read.

‘Although I firmly believe he should be held accountable for his crime, as a father, my compassion goes out to his family. 

‘Hopefully his arrest will lead to getting him help that prevents any further such acts.’

He is scheduled to be sentenced on February 7th. 


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