Navratri 2024: Offer These 3 Items After Kanya Puja To Seek Goddess’ Blessings

Navratri 2024: Offer These 3 Items After Kanya Puja To Seek Goddess’ Blessings

Both Ashtami and Navami fall on the same day this year.

Offering gifts and donations to the kanya after the puja pleases Goddess Durga.

During the auspicious time of Navratri, nine forms of Goddess Durga are worshipped in nine days. The tradition of Kanya Puja is usually observed on Ashtami and Navami. It is believed that performing this ritual removes all troubles and brings prosperity to the household. The kanya puja is considered to be the embodiment of Goddess Durga. After completing the puja on Ashtami or Navami, offering gifts and donations to the kanya pleases Goddess Durga. Pandit Nand Kishore Mudgal from Deoghar, Jharkhand mentioned that the entire Navratri period is considered very auspicious, but the days of Ashtami and Navami are particularly considered sacred. This is because, these days there is a tradition of Kanya Puja, fasting, and performing havan. This year, both Ashtami and Navami fall on the same day, October 11. Some people perform Kanya Puja during Navratri, but do not offer dakshina. If you don’t offer dakshina, the ritual remains incomplete. Let’s take a look at the 3 items that you must offer to the kanya as dakshina after Kanya Puja.

Silver coins: Give the girl a silver coin that has an image of Goddess Durga engraved on it. It is said that offering this item pleases the goddess.

Red Clothes: After performing all the rituals of kanya puja on the auspicious days of Ashtami or Navami, give them any outfit that is red in colour. You can offer clothes like lehenga or saree. Make sure to include a chunari or scarf along with it, as this is considered sacred.

3. Personal grooming and cosmetics items: Offering items for personal grooming is also seen as a way to please Goddess Durga. This practice is said to bring happiness and prosperity to your household. After the completion of the puja, touch the feet and seek blessing from the kanya and then offer the dakshina. Without performing these rituals the puja remains incomplete.


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