Piers Morgan called for The View to be taken off the air for their ‘snarling, whining, scowling, seething and cursing about the same thing: Donald Trump.’
The broadcaster wrote in his column for the New York Post that The View gives him his ‘worst nightmares’, envisioning himself trapped on a desert island with its hosts.
‘The nightmares are long, torrid, mentally scarring and always involve the exact same pattern,’ he wrote, going on to parody the women on the imaginary island displaying examples of the many times they have been caught in hypocrisy.
Morgan started with ‘Joyless’ Joy Behar, pointing out that she was accused of wearing blackface to a Halloween party in the 1970s when she dressed as an African woman.
‘(Behar) marches up and down the beach loudly mocking and reviling Trump as a lying, racist hypocrite,’ he wrote.
On the coastline in Morgan’s nightmares, Whoopi Goldberg – who in 2022 was suspended for saying the Holocaust wasn’t about race – ‘sits by the ocean howling that Trump is a deluded, ill-informed, race-baiting imbecile.’
Morgan said despite their past scandals, ‘their nadir came the day after the election, when to their horror, the man they’ve spent years branding a vile, bigoted, racist fascist won absolutely everything.’
‘“The View” has become a pointless, irrelevant parody of itself that urgently needs to be put out of its — and our — misery,’ he concluded.
Broadcaster Piers Morgan called for The View to be taken off the air in his latest column

Morgan slammed The View hosts (pictured with Kamala Harris) for their ‘snarling, whining, scowling, seething and cursing’ about Donald Trump

Morgan did not hold back in his latest column thrashing The View hosts
Continuing his desert island analogy, Morgan moved onto Ana Navarro’s comments after Trump’s first win in 2016, where she insisted that he was not legitimately elected.
He argued that Navarro ‘spews constant bile-fueled abuse’ at Trump on The View, while on his desert island, she ‘resides under a palm tree, ranting that he’s a lying election denier who deploys ugly rhetoric.’
Sunny Hostin, who was recently forced to read out a humiliating legal note on the show after ranting about Matt Gaetz, was also cited in the column for her past remarks about former Republican presidential nominee Nikki Haley.
It came during her run for the White House last year, when Hostin criticized Haley as a ‘hypocrite chameleon’ for not using her first name Nimrata.
Morgan pointed out that Hostin herself doesn’t use her real first name, Asunción, and said she also ‘cruelly and heartlessly accused Nikki Haley of crying fake tears over her husband’s deployment to war zones.’
He added Sara Haines, despite her ‘saintly voice of compassionate, unifying sunshine’, repeatedly calls Trump a ‘jerk’, and would be on the island ‘in the shade shouting, “HE’S STILL A JERK!”’
‘Meanwhile, I just lie face-down in the sand, feeling like Bill Murray in a never-ending, hellish “Groundhog Day,” he concluded.

Morgan brought up several humiliating past moments for The View hosts, including when ‘Joyless’ Joy Behar was accused of wearing blackface to a Halloween party in the 1970s

Morgan also took aim at Sunny Hostin, who he pointed out criticized Nikki Haley for not using her real first name despite Hostin also not going by her first name Asunción
Although The View hosts often make eyebrow-raising remarks on the show – also including Hostin recently painting all Hispanics that voted for Trump as ‘sexist and misogynistic’ – Morgan said their worst moment came the day after election day.
‘In a truly farcical gesture of brazen bias, the six hosts all trotted out in funereal black clothing because they were in mourning,’ he wrote.
‘And yet, ironically, it was their own professional funeral that they were almost certainly attending.’
He pointed out that Goldberg refused to say Trump’s name, while Hostin argued that Trump’s win ‘had nothing to do with policy’ and instead ‘was a referendum of cultural resentment in this country.’
Morgan said that remark made him ‘laugh out loud’, as he mocked her stance on the election because it had ‘everything to do with policy.’
And while Navarro remarked that ‘we can be sad’ about Trump’s win, he countered that ‘the majority of American’s don’t feel sad about Trump’s victory.’
‘They feel either jubilant or relieved it’s not word-salad Kamala Harris and her ruinously progressive, policy-devoid agenda,’ he added.

Morgan concluded that because of the antics of hosts like Whoopi Goldberg, The View has become ‘a pointless, irrelevant parody of itself that urgently needs to be put out of its — and our — misery’
In his call for The View to be taken off the air, he said the show was nothing like how its creator Barbara Walters intended – to be a show ‘hosted by women with different opinions.’
‘But it isn’t anymore,’ he concluded.
‘They all despise the man who is to be their president again, and that tediously myopic, one-sided act just won’t play now that he’s been given such a resounding endorsement from the American people.
I don’t like cancel culture — but given that the hosts of “The View” have, by their own admission, worked so hard to cancel Donald Trump, it’s time they were canceled themselves.’