Pitru Paksha 2024: Why You Should Light A Lamp In This Direction

Pitru Paksha 2024: Why You Should Light A Lamp In This Direction

Pitru Paksha will begin on September 17 and end on October 2.

During Pitru Paksha, people perform various rituals like tarpan, shraddha and pind daan to appease the souls of their ancestors.

Pitru Paksha is considered to be quite important in Hinduism as it marks the respect of the deceased ancestors. It lasts for 16 days and people perform various rituals during this time to appease the souls of their ancestors. During this time, people do Pind Daan to the departed to help them seek peace and salvation.

Doing so is believed to get rid of Pitru Dosha and other obstacles in life. Pitru Paksha will commence from the full moon date of Bhadrapad month on September 17 and will conclude on Ashwin Amavasya on October 2. This period is also known as Pitri Paksha, Pitri Pokkho, Sorah Shradh, Kanagat, Jitiya, Mahalaya, Apara Paksha and Akdhadpak.

During Pitru Paksha, people perform various rituals like tarpan, shraddha and pind daan to appease the souls of their ancestors. It is generally believed that during Pitru Paksha time, the souls of the ancestors come to earth and the descendants perform these rituals to satisfy them. Donation and offering food and water are of special importance during this time. During the 16 days of Pitru Paksha, it is important to regularly light the lamp along with the pooja and prayer recitation during the Shradh Karma.

Shubham Tiwari, priest of Shri Sacha Akhileshwar Mahadev Temple in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand said that the purpose of doing shradh, tarpan and pind daan is to satisfy the spirit of ancestors and get their blessings. The direction of lighting the lamp also has special importance during Pitru Paksha.

As per religious beliefs, it is considered auspicious to light the lamp in the South direction during Pitru Paksha. The South direction is considered to be the abode of God Yama, ruler of ancestors. By lighting the lamp in this direction, it is believed that the souls of the ancestors will be able to see it and bless their own families. While lighting the lamp, make sure to use sesame oil and cotton wick.


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