

Moment BBC programme sparks memory of man with dementia

Can classic TV comedies can help revive long-held memories for people living with dementia? It’s an idea that’s being tested out with the launch of specifically curated channels on BBC iPlayer aimed at stimulating memories and reminiscence for people living with the condition. The use of pictures or music to evoke a response in people

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Kitty Dukakis dead at 88: Wife of Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis dies of dementia complications

Kitty Dukakis, the wife of Democratic presidential nominee Michael Dukakis, has died at the age of 88 from dementia complications.  Kitty died on Friday in her home in Brookline, Massachusetts, her son told The Washington Post.  The politician’s wife had previously battled depression and addiction – a fight she admitted to in a memoir.  She suffered

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Dementia May Not Always Be the Threat It Is Now. Here’s Why.

Joan Presky worries about dementia. Her mother lived with Alzheimer’s disease for 14 years, the last seven in a memory-care residence, and her maternal grandfather developed dementia, too. “I’m 100 percent convinced that this is in my future,” said Ms. Presky, 70, a retired attorney in Thornton, Colo. Last year, she spent almost a full

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Wife reveals harrowing reality of living with former rugby league player battling CTE and dementia

For over a decade, Sandra Crow has fought a private battle few could imagine, caring for her husband Trevor – a once-gifted second rower and respected rugby league administrator – as dementia tears apart the life they built together. Trevor Crow, 63, is now non-verbal, often bedridden, wears an adult nappy and requires help to

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The VERY common ingredient that really could stave off ageing – and even diseases like dementia, by PROFESSOR ROB GALLOWAY

I’ll admit it, I’m vain: I’m worried about getting old, not just because of the decline in health and energy levels but, yes, about how I look. So I’m trying to do things that can slow down these inevitable changes. Billions have been thrown into anti-ageing research, with lots of talk about this supplement or

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Urgent warning over common sexual act that may lead to DEMENTIA

The herpes virus can travel to the brain during oral sex, scientists warn. They’ve discovered that people can contract herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) in and around the nose, which provides a dangerously direct corridor to the brain. The infection, in theory, could then cause inflammation and lead to complications such as brain damage and

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How YOU can keep your brain sharp until you’re 100, by leading neurologist DR DALE BREDESEN, who insists his miracle science-backed protocol can even reverse dementia

How do we keep our brains youthful, healthy and functional for the entirety of our lives? Until recently, the answer might have been a shoulder shrug or a glib ‘no idea’. But our armoury against brain ageing has grown dramatically in recent years and I am among a small but growing number of physicians who

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Women’s health issue could increase dementia risk

An estimated 80% of women have some type of menopause symptoms — and the more symptoms they experience, the greater the chances of developing dementia later in life. The findings were published in the journal PLOS One following a study by the University of Calgary. The researchers analyzed the data of 896 postmenopausal women who

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‘Dementia scares me, footballers need more support’

Victoria Derbyshire and Katherine Hodgson BBC Newsnight BBC Newsnight Former footballer Dean Windass is calling for more support for ex-players and their families affected by dementia Former footballer Dean Windass says he is scared for the future following his stage two dementia diagnosis and wants more support for other players and their families in the

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Wendy Williams gets promising news from psychiatric evaluation on dementia diagnosis amid guardianship fight

Wendy Williams may have gotten a major boost in her attempts to end her guardianship. During her trip to New York City’s Lenox Hill Hospital on Monday from the assisted-living facility where she has been forced to live, the 60-year-old former talk show host was evaluated by a psychiatrist. And on Monday, sources told TMZ that Williams received

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