

The Lady Will Have the Laxatives

In the Chili’s parking lot, I cradled two tiny blue pills in my palm. They were smooth like robin’s eggs, deceptively pretty to disguise their disgusting purpose. To take laxatives or not to take laxatives? That was the question. I tried not to during the week, when I woke early to teach undergraduate writing classes

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Father, 46, has ‘weeks to live’ after his ONE easy-to-dismiss problem turned out to be terminal bowel cancer: ‘I was sent home with laxatives’

The family of a Staffordshire man who is dying of bowel cancer after being diagnosed too late has warned others never to ignore gut problems.  Kev Coles, 46, from Stoke-on-Trent, began suffering abdominal pain early last summer, but was told by doctors that it was likely a result of constipation. Despite returning to his GP

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Gut doctor reveals surprising fruit that relieves constipation ‘as effectively as laxatives’ – could also help protect against colon cancer

It’s no secret that prunes can help to get a sluggish system moving again. But there’s another, lesser-known fruit that may be just as effective, if not more so, according a top digestive health doctor. One kiwi could relieve constipation almost instantly, said Dr Karan Rajan, a London-based gastrointestinal (GI) surgeon and social media star. Dr

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