

Neurologist breaks down what happens in your brain when you orgasm

Neurologist Dr. Thompson Maesaka says orgasms release chemicals in the brain The release of dopamine and oxytocin cause feelings of connection and joy The brain sometimes causes you to say things you don’t mean when you orgasm  By SYEDA SAAD FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Published: 08:20 EDT, 28 March 2025 | Updated: 08:20 EDT, 28 March 2025

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I’m a neurologist… here’s why I NEVER breathe out of my mouth

By OLIVIA SALAMONE FOR DAILYMAIL.COM Published: 10:40 EDT, 24 March 2025 | Updated: 12:39 EDT, 24 March 2025 A neurologist has revealed the three common things he would never do – including why you should avoid breathing through your mouth. Dr. Baibing Chen, who goes by Dr. Bing on TikTok, has over 106,100 followers and

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The six-step scientific protocol that washes away ageing toxic chemicals buildup in our brain revealed by neurologist DR DALE BREDSEN

Can we stop our brains from ageing? Yes, says leading neurologist Dr Dale Bredesen in a new book which sets out the key lifestyle changes you need to make to prevent cognitive decline. Today, in the final part of his definitive guide, he reveals the importance of deep sleep and the tweaks to your diet

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How YOU can keep your brain sharp until you’re 100, by leading neurologist DR DALE BREDESEN, who insists his miracle science-backed protocol can even reverse dementia

How do we keep our brains youthful, healthy and functional for the entirety of our lives? Until recently, the answer might have been a shoulder shrug or a glib ‘no idea’. But our armoury against brain ageing has grown dramatically in recent years and I am among a small but growing number of physicians who

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I’m a neurologist who cured my chronic lower back pain in five simple steps… here’s how you can too

A neurologist suffering with chronic lower back pain has revealed the five exercises she does to alleviate her discomfort.  Dr Carol Cheatham, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, has suffered for decades from agonizing shooting pains down her legs caused by chronic sciatica and degenerative disk disease.  As a natural therapy, Dr Cheatham avoids

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Neurologist reveals six everyday habits he tries to avoid because of their links to cancer, dementia

A neurologist has revealed the six seemingly innocuous things he would never do due to the risk of strokes, dementia, and cancer. Dr Baibing Chen shared that common habits like going to the chiropractor, neck cracking and not getting enough sleep could lead to higher risks of brain damage. And as temperatures drop nationwide, the Michigan-based neurologist

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I tried everything to cure my restless legs. My GP didn’t know how to help – then a top neurologist prescribed me a very unlikely but common drug

It’s four o’clock in the morning and I’ve been walking in a tight circle in my bedroom, on-and-off, for three hours. The feeling I’m battling is hard to describe: an uncomfortable, shuddering, electric almost-pain that is shooting through my legs. Not long ago I was going up and down the stairs, which proved most relieving

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Neurologist reveals five 2-minute tests that can uncover hidden signs of early dementia

Are you concerned your memory is not what it used to be?  Now, a neurologist has revealed some quick and easy tests that can reveal if your forgetfulness could be something for sinister. US based Neurologist Dr Baibing Chen, who goes by Dr Bing on social media, shared five simple tests that involve drawing clocks

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Neurologist reveals how to tell if your headache is a sign of a deadly brain tumour or just a bad cold

By JOHN ELY DEPUTY HEALTH EDITOR FOR MAILONLINE Published: 21:02 EST, 20 November 2024 | Updated: 21:03 EST, 20 November 2024 Headaches are a common ailment, and usually nothing to worry about. But in some cases, they are the first sign of a deadly condition such as a bleed on the brain or even a

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Top neurologist reveals simple drawing test that spots early signs of dementia

By EMILY STEARN, SENIOR HEALTH REPORTER FOR MAILONLINE and REBECCA WHITTAKER FOR MAILONLINE Published: 19:39 EST, 19 November 2024 | Updated: 19:41 EST, 19 November 2024 Do you worry that your memory isn’t what it used to be?  A simple five minute task that tests how well you can draw an analogue clock could show

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