

The painted-eyebrow pedophile who masterminded JFK’s assassination… and why his twisted bond with 15-year-old Lee Harvey Oswald holds the key

For more than six long decades the questions have been the same. Was President John F. Kennedy murdered by the mob or by the FBI, the CIA and anti-Communist Cuban exiles, perhaps in league with right-wing paramilitaries? All these groups and more besides have been blamed over time for helping commit, or at least allow,

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Secret Service bosses ordered JFK’s motorcade to SLOW DOWN precisely where Lee Harvey Oswald was waiting… and other bombshells about TWO foiled assassination plots days earlier

It had been raining, and the tarmac was still wet when President John F. Kennedy stepped down from Air Force One. Yet the skies above Love Field airport were bright that Friday morning. The clouds had vanished, and a sudden burst of sunshine meant the bubble-top on the president’s midnight-blue Lincoln Continental convertible could be

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