From under-the-tongue vitamins to anti-snoring strips that melt in the mouth – a huge range of health products now come in dissolvable form. But do they offer the added effectiveness that manufacturers claim? CAROLINE JONES asked the experts to assess some of the latest offerings, which we then rated.
Conserving Beauty Dissolving Zit Strips, £18 for six strips,
CLAIM: These strips are made using ‘nanodot technology’ – meaning the active ingredients (salicylic acid and niacinamide) are broken down into tiny molecules – which the maker says ensures they penetrate the skin three times deeper than standard spot treatments. Hold the strip in place, wet with a damp cloth and leave to dissolve on the skin.
Conserving Beauty Dissolving Zit Strips
EXPERT VERDICT: ‘Salicylic acid and niacinamide are proven spot fighters,’ says Dr Maham Khan, a consultant dermatologist at the Cadogan Clinic in London.
‘Salicylic acid exfoliates the skin, penetrates the pores and dissolves excess oil and dead skin cells. Niacinamide has strong anti-inflammatory properties, reduces oil production and helps improve the skin barrier.
‘In theory, the smaller molecular size facilitates better penetration into the skin, reaching deeper layers where blemishes can form, but compared to proven and effective prescription treatments, such as benzoyl peroxide, these ingredients aren’t as potent and would only be suitable for mild acne or occasional breakouts.’ 7/10
Humantra Berry Pomegranate Electrolyte Drink Mix, £28 for 20 sachets,
CLAIM: Containing calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, chloride and potassium, the maker says this powder, which you dissolve in 500ml water, ‘hydrates four times more effectively than water alone’.

Humantra Berry Pomegranate Electrolyte Drink Mix
EXPERT VERDICT: ‘Electrolytes are essential nutrients that play a major role in keeping the body well hydrated,’ says Dr Lindsy Kass, a sports and nutrition scientist at the University of Hertfordshire.
‘They ensure water is carried into our cells and stored there, and not just removed as waste.
‘But electrolytes are found in many foods, such as fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds, so you don’t need expensive electrolyte powders like this, as most of us will get plenty from a normal diet.
‘There’s no additional benefit to having them dissolved in water unless you’re seriously dehydrated, from a severe upset stomach or exercising in very hot conditions, for instance.
‘This also contains sodium – i.e. salt – which is linked to high blood pressure and kidney problems, so not great to have regularly.’ 4/10
Snoreeze Snoring Relief Oral Strips, £8 for 14,
CLAIM: These mint-flavoured strips are said to target ‘the main cause of snoring’ and ‘hydrating the soft tissue at the back of the throat’, providing relief for up to eight hours. Place one on the roof of your mouth at bedtime.

Snoreeze Snoring Relief Oral Strips
EXPERT VERDICT: ‘Snoring occurs when air flows past the relaxed tissues in your throat, causing them to vibrate as you breathe,’ says Dr Nisa Aslam, a GP based in London. ‘The strip dissolves in your mouth so is a handy form of delivery. It contains peppermint oil – which could act as a nasal decongestant to ease breathing, also reducing snoring – and glycerine, which may improve snoring a bit by providing lubrication to throat tissues so they vibrate less.
‘But I’m not sure this effect would last the whole night. It also won’t tackle the causes of snoring – such as sleep apnoea, where your breathing stops and starts while you sleep. Untreated, sleep apnoea can affect blood pressure and mood.’ 6/10
Diso M-Vit Dissolvable Vitamin Strips, £11 for 30 strips,
CLAIM: The strips contain multiple vitamins – including vitamin C ‘for your body’s growth and repair’ and B for energy and ‘ensuring your red blood cells are healthy’ – and minerals such as magnesium, ‘a muscle relaxant that’s good for your head (both mentally and physically) and prevents constipation’. They ‘rapidly dissolve in the mouth’.

Diso M-Vit Dissolvable Vitamin Strips
EXPERT VERDICT: ‘The idea is that these vitamins are absorbed “transmucosally” – passing directly through the thin lining of the mouth into the bloodstream,’ says Aidan Goggins, a pharmacist and independent adviser to the supplement industry.
‘So unlike most oral vitamins, they bypass the gut, which in theory means they’re absorbed faster and more completely as they don’t have to compete with food in the digestive system.
‘A substance called “pullulan” is used, which helps the strip dissolve quickly in the mouth, releasing the active nutrients.
‘But to be fully absorbed through the mouth, it needs to be in contact with a mucosal membrane – the tissue lining the inner cheek, or under the tongue, rather than on top of it, where most of the vitamins will just end up swallowed with saliva and absorbed in the standard way in the gut.
‘The vitamin content is also low, with nowhere near the amounts or spectrum of nutrients you’d get in most multivitamin pills.
And it’s expensive: a month’s worth is £11, versus £6.60 for a six-month supply of Boots own-brand multivitamins.’ 3/10
Bodyhealth H2 Infuse Molecular Hydrogen, £54.49 for 60 tablets,
CLAIM: Dissolved in water up to three times a day, these tablets ‘deliver potent concentrations of hydrogen’ so ‘improving cognitive sharpness’, says the maker.

Bodyhealth H2 Infuse Molecular Hydrogen
EXPERT VERDICT: ‘Hydrogen can switch on cells’ own antioxidant response, known as Nrf2, which activates over 250 genes to protect and revitalise our cells – keeping us healthier from top to toe,’ says Aidan Goggins.
‘Nrf2 activity diminishes with age – it can halve by the age of 40 – so stimulating it could have many benefits in the body.
‘Early research supports the theory that hydrogen-enriched water activates Nrf2, but we need to confirm this and determine the optimal dose and frequency of consumption.
‘It’s worth noting that although water already contains hydrogen, it’s not in a form the body can absorb. But these tablets, added to water, produce hydrogen particles small enough to penetrate cells, giving them a mild workout.
‘To save money, use this just once a day (you’ll get plenty of hydrogen still), or take regular exercise and follow a Mediterranean-style diet. Both have the same effect.’ 5/10
Superteeth Dental Probiotics, £29.69 for 60 tablets,
CLAIM: These fast-dissolving, sugar-free probiotics [i.e. containing beneficial bacteria], used straight after tooth-brushing, create ‘an environment where harmful bacteria struggle to thrive’, says the maker. Dissolve one tablet in the mouth once or twice a day.

Superteeth Dental Probiotic Tablets
EXPERT VERDICT: ‘Some studies suggest using alcohol-based mouthwashes could kill off “good”, protective bacteria in the mouth, allowing “bad” bacteria to flourish and trigger poor oral health in the long term,’ says Jasmine Piran, a dentist in London.
‘This product contains three strains of beneficial bacteria – Lactobacillus paracasei (thought to halt bacterial “biofilm” on teeth), Streptococcus salivarius (which has a potentially anti-inflammatory effect on gums) and Lactobacillus reuteri (possibly helpful in fighting gum disease).
‘Research on dental probiotics is at an early stage but using a product like this won’t do any harm and may prevent gum disease and tooth decay, as long as the ingredients have enough time in the mouth to work before being washed away by saliva.
‘Follow the manufacturer’s advice of not eating or drinking for 30 minutes after to allow the beneficial bacteria a chance to colonise your mouth.’ 8/10
Philip Kingsley Vitamin C Jelly, £30 for four sachets,
CLAIM: Adding water to this sachet of powder makes a jelly that removes impurities on the hair and leaves it ‘soft and strong’. Use before your shampoo and conditioner, every two to three weeks.

Philip Kingsley Vitamin C Jelly Detoxifying Hair And Scalp Treatment
EXPERT VERDICT: ‘Two of the main ingredients – panthenol and betaine – are common moisturisers already used in thousands of shampoos and conditioners,’ says Eva Proudman, a trichologist and founder of UK Hair Consultants.
‘However, the amount of vitamin C in this product is not insignificant – and there’s good research to show vitamin C can prevent follicle damage, stimulate hair growth and protect the hair and scalp from damage by harmful molecules called free radicals, produced by pollution, the sun’s UV rays and an imbalanced scalp microbiome.
‘The jelly is a novel presentation, but other products are more cost effective – such as Aveda’s Botanical Repair Treatment, which contains vitamin C and similar conditioning ingredients (£30 for 100g, compared with £30 for just 20g here).’ 5/10