Tourists reveal ‘cool’ everyday things available abroad they wish their country had – from Japan’s ‘wash and blow dry’ loos to Germany’s recycling system

Tourists reveal ‘cool’ everyday things available abroad they wish their country had – from Japan’s ‘wash and blow dry’ loos to Germany’s recycling system

Tourists reveal ‘cool’ everyday things available abroad they wish their country had – from Japan’s ‘wash and blow dry’ loos to Germany’s recycling system

A huge part of travelling to far-flung destinations around the world is getting the chance to experience local traditions and new ways of life that aren’t readily available back home.

Many tourists on Reddit have revealed the everyday parts of culture they’ve seen on their travels to other countries that they want their hometown to adopt.

‘MisterKetamine’, kicked things off by asking the forum: ‘What is something that’s commonplace in a place you’ve visited but wish was present in your own country?’

From Japan’s ‘car wash and blow dry’ toilets to Germany’s ‘cool’ recycling system, we reveal some of the best answers…


Open-air food courts lined with street food stands, known as hawker centres, are very common across Southeast Asia.

And many people on Reddit said they’re keen to bring this type of casual eating over to their countries, including a deleted user from the USA.

‘I wish we got these hawker centres in the States,’ they say. ‘Went to Singapore and there were hundreds of small restaurants with a variety of different ethnic foods. Hainan Chicken, Satay Beef, Curry naan, Laksa noodles, wonton soups, stir-fried rice noodles, chilli crab, fresh-squeezed fruit drinks.’

Tourists on Reddit have revealed the everyday parts of culture they’ve seen in other countries that they want their hometown to adopt. One user said they wish the USA had hawker centres -open-air food courts lined with street food stands – like the one pictured in Singapore

The original poster, ‘MisterKetamine’, from Wales, adds: ‘Just having easy access to quick and cheap food is something I absolutely love about those countries.’

‘AnnelieSierra’ agrees: ‘You can buy some of your food from here, some there, your friends buy their meals somewhere else. You can sit where you like and enjoy fresh, tasty food.’


Japan is renowned for its cleanliness, and that extends to its ‘immaculately clean’ public toilets – something a huge number of tourists commend.

As one deleted user bluntly puts it: ‘You never have to worry about taking a s**t in public in Japan!’

‘MrKaisu’ says the best part of the lavatories there are the ‘water guns to clean your a**e’, something known as a ‘washlet’, while ‘Mis8ryGutz’ enjoys the fact the seats ‘heat your butt’.

After a holiday in Japan, ‘Loves_LV’ had a ‘full automatic Japanese style toilet [like the one pictured] installed’ in their house ‘and never looked back’. They add: ‘I almost hate travelling places now because, when nature calls, I want that heated seat and backside car-wash-and-blow-dry experience’

After a holiday in Japan, ‘Loves_LV’ had a ‘full automatic Japanese style toilet [like the one pictured] installed’ in their house ‘and never looked back’. They add: ‘I almost hate travelling places now because, when nature calls, I want that heated seat and backside car-wash-and-blow-dry experience’

When ‘what_the_fax_say’ travelled to Germany, they were very impressed by the country’s recycling system, known as ‘Pfand’ (pictured). They explain: ‘The grocery stores have a place you can return plastic bottles, then you get a piece of paper with the credit, do your shopping, and give the cashier the credit slip, which is discounted from the total’

When ‘what_the_fax_say’ travelled to Germany, they were very impressed by the country’s recycling system, known as ‘Pfand’ (pictured). They explain: ‘The grocery stores have a place you can return plastic bottles, then you get a piece of paper with the credit, do your shopping, and give the cashier the credit slip, which is discounted from the total’

 ‘Loves_LV’ was so impressed by the facilities in Japan that they had a ‘full automatic Japanese style toilet installed’ in their house when they returned home, ‘and never looked back’.

They add: ‘I almost hate travelling places now because, when nature calls, I want that heated seat and backside car-wash-and-blow-dry experience.’


When ‘what_the_fax_say’ travelled to Germany, they were very impressed by the country’s recycling system, known as ‘Pfand’.

They explain: ‘The grocery stores have a place you can return plastic bottles, then you get a piece of paper with the credit, do your shopping, and give the cashier the credit slip, which is discounted from the total.’

This system has been adopted in parts of Finland and Norway, as well as some US states, however, American ‘No_Gold3131’ adds ‘it would be great if it were instituted nationwide. And if it applied to more of the plastic’.


‘SuccessfulMumenRider’ says: ‘I’m from the Mid-Atlantic USA and wish that the London Underground [pictured] or any train system was as widespread here’

‘SuccessfulMumenRider’ says: ‘I’m from the Mid-Atlantic USA and wish that the London Underground [pictured] or any train system was as widespread here’

According to plenty of Americans, Aussies and Irish people, something that those living in the UK or European cities take for granted is public transport – whether that be high-speed cross-country rail or metros.

‘moes23’ says: ‘Most places I have been to in Europe have great public transport for affordable prices. It’s frequent and, for the most part, rarely delayed. But back in Ireland, we have terrible public transport.’

‘225Moussa’ adds: ‘I live in the USA, and it’s unbelievable that we don’t have any in place considering how many states we have, how many large cities we have, and how long it takes to get to each one.’

‘SuccessfulMumenRider’ agrees: ‘I’m from the Mid-Atlantic USA and wish that the London Underground or any train system was as widespread here.’

‘DavidofSasun’ says: ‘As a Los Angeles native who’s travelled quite a bit, it blows my mind how a rich city and huge city like Los Angeles doesn’t have anywhere near as efficient and far-reaching of a metro system like a lot of cities in east Asia and Western Europe. Without a car, you’ll be doomed here.’


Japan’s 7-Eleven stores (lke the one pictured) include microwaves, ‘healthy fast food’ and even heated shelves – making them ‘so much better than US convenience stores’, says ‘vagabending’

Japan’s 7-Eleven stores (lke the one pictured) include microwaves, ‘healthy fast food’ and even heated shelves – making them ‘so much better than US convenience stores’, says ‘vagabending’

Although 7-Eleven started in the US, it’s Japan that has the most stores, with almost a quarter of the world’s 85,000 stores located there.

Unlike most supermarkets around the world, Japan’s include microwaves, ‘healthy fast food’ and even heated shelves – making them ‘so much better than US convenience stores’, says ‘vagabending’.

‘MisterKetamine’ agrees: ‘Some of their micro meals are legit better than a lot of western restaurants.’

‘OsgoodCB’ adds: ‘I loved the heated shelves in Japanese convenience stores and now I’m wondering why this is not a thing at all in Europe. We cool shelves…why not heat them, too?

‘Finding this out and getting a big ass 400ml coffee for less than $1 from 7-Eleven in the morning was a game changer for my morning routine in Japan.’


Germany’s Christmas markets are world-famous, and, according to ‘ReluctantRedditor275’, ‘there is nothing quite so delightful’. They add: ‘I've seen some attempts to replicate them abroad, but there's no charm like the genuine article.' Pictured is Dresden's 'magical' offering

Germany’s Christmas markets are world-famous, and, according to ‘ReluctantRedditor275’, ‘there is nothing quite so delightful’. They add: ‘I’ve seen some attempts to replicate them abroad, but there’s no charm like the genuine article.’ Pictured is Dresden’s ‘magical’ offering

Germany’s Christmas markets are world-famous, and, according to ‘ReluctantRedditor275’, ‘there is nothing quite so delightful’.

They add: ‘I’ve seen some attempts to replicate them abroad, but there’s no charm like the genuine article.’

Many other tourists agree and recommend heading to Dresden or Nuremberg for the ‘most traditional’ Christmas markets.

‘Alternate_eric’ says: ‘I want to advocate for Dresden. It has the oldest and one of the most famous Christmas markets in Europe and there are also several other ones scattered around the old town. It’s magical!’


Plenty of people wish their country had an ‘aperitivo hour’ after work like Italy, during which locals enjoy a pre-dinner drink and snack on ‘free giant platters of quality charcuterie and cheese’.

Plenty of people wish their country had an ‘aperitivo hour’ after work like Italy, during which locals enjoy a pre-dinner drink and snack on ‘free giant platters of quality charcuterie and cheese’, as pictured

Plenty of people wish their country had an ‘aperitivo hour’ after work like Italy, during which locals enjoy a pre-dinner drink and snack on ‘free giant platters of quality charcuterie and cheese’, as pictured

‘heurrgh’ explains: ‘From about 6:00pm to 8:00pm, everyone (Families, teens, couples, friend groups, people of all ages) strolls about the town talking, meeting, playing, stopping for snacks and drinks. It’s so calm and sociable.’

‘BruceRL’ is a big advocate for it, saying it would make a nice change from the ‘American Happy Hour where people roll in to generally get s**tfaced’.

And ‘vaiporcaralho’ agrees: ‘I loved this when I went to Milan. It’s such a nice chill thing and gets you relaxed and set up for dinner as well and everyone is in a good mood too especially on a Friday.’


A few people who holidayed in Rome were impressed with the Italian city’s ‘nasoni’ – fountains offering ‘pure, cold drinking water, to refill bottles’.

‘NoApartment7399’ was also pleasantly surprised to see similar water fountains dotted about Turkey.

A few people who holidayed in Rome were impressed with the Italian city’s ‘nasoni’ (pictured) – fountains offering ‘pure, cold drinking water, to refill bottles’

A few people who holidayed in Rome were impressed with the Italian city’s ‘nasoni’ (pictured) – fountains offering ‘pure, cold drinking water, to refill bottles’

They say: ‘We’ve travelled extensively there and they are super convenient. You even find them in the most remote places on the road.’


Lots of people, including New Yorker ‘bromosabeach’, said they would love a traditional British pub near them.

But there were even more people who simply want the staff in their current local to ‘give you stuff to nibble on while you drink, like in Spain’.

‘Itwaschaosbilly’ adds: ‘This can be brilliant in Ireland. Some pubs will randomly bring out cocktail sausages, chicken nuggets etc!’

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