Tragic mom-of-three is seen clinging to the outside of the carriage at the top of a Ferris wheel before losing her grip and plunging to her death in front of horrified fairgoers

Tragic mom-of-three is seen clinging to the outside of the carriage at the top of a Ferris wheel before losing her grip and plunging to her death in front of horrified fairgoers

This is the horrifying moment a mom-of-three plunged to her death after desperately clinging to a Ferris wheel carriage in front of countless horrified fairgoers. 

The footage, taken at the Potosina National Fair in San Luis Potosí, Mexico, on August 12, shows the mother, identified as 39-year-old Irene del Carmen, clinging to the outside of a carriage at the top. 

Horrified onlookers were heard screaming ‘no’ and ‘I don’t want to look’, as she loses her grip and drops to the ground seconds later.

Some reports claim she got stuck while trying to alight and the ride operator failed to notice, while other reports say the carriage door wasn’t closed properly and opened near the top of the ride.

Police officers were dispatched to the fair immediately.

The footage shows the mother, identified as 39-year-old Irene del Carmen, clinging to the outside of a carriage at the top

They found the victim with severe injuries from hitting the ground and no vital signs. It is believed she died instantly.

Crime scene investigators went to the fair to collect the body for a post-mortem, and an investigation is underway to determine if there was negligence or a safety failure.

San Luis Potosí state governor Ricardo Gallardo Cardona stated: ‘We deeply regret what happened.

‘And I extend my condolences to the family of the woman involved in the accident on the rides.

‘I have instructed that they receive the necessary support and that the incident be thoroughly investigated by the State Attorney General’s Office.’

State officials say Irene’s husband and kids will receive financial, legal, and psychological support regardless of the investigation’s findings.


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