Why Do Sellers Wrap Fruits In Paper

Why Do Sellers Wrap Fruits In Paper

Wrapping of fruits can help it ripen.

The wrapping of a paper is required to keep the fruits fresh and avoid it from drying out.

Fruit consumption is extremely important for better health and should be eaten regularly. While buying fruits from markets, we sometimes see that the seller has wrapped them in papers. Some of them even wrap it in newspapers. Let us know the reason behind such a practice. As per reports, there are several reasons behind wrapping a fruit in a paper. One of the reasons is to keep the fruits fresh. Some of the fruits contain ethylene gas, which is needed for it to ripen. So the wrapping of a paper controls the level of gas released from the fruit, keeping it fresh for a long time. The paper retains the moisture of the fruit, which avoids it from completely drying out. A lot of fruits are plucked raw and wrapped in a paper immediately, so that it can ripen in the right way. According to more information on the website, the fruits tend to be very fragile. So, if it is not wrapped properly with a paper and touches the crate, it can easily get spoiled.

A paper also protects the fruits from stumbles and jerks as well as reducing the risk of a fruit from crack opening, and preserving its quality. More information states the fruits can be stored for a long time within a paper and it can be easier to carry it around. Inside a paper, the humidity and temperature of a fruit remains stable and it also does not let it spoil.

Another interesting reason behind a fruit being wrapped in paper is the attractiveness of it. Wrapped fruits on stalls and shops seem more buyable, making it an easy choice for the customer. Naturally, it leads to higher fruit sales. Using paper is the best option to store a fruit, as it is a biodegradable material.


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