While having a coffee recently with a group of close friends, we started discussing cosmetic surgery – a topic of conversation that is increasingly common now that we’re in our forties.
One friend confessed to going ‘overboard on Botox at the start’, but said she now uses it more sparingly. Another calmly admitted she now feels her breast enlargement has made her cleavage too buxom for her slim frame.
‘It’s okay for you,’ says another. ‘You haven’t done any of that.’
I smile, but don’t reply. If only they knew: I had cosmetic surgery five years ago – and I’ve never told anyone.
You might wonder why, considering that while cosmetic ops used to be taboo, today it seems that anyone who’s anyone has had a spot of filler in their forehead, or contoured their thighs with liposuction.
However, there is one type of cosmetic adjustment that remains verboten: surgery to improve the appearance of your genitals.
That’s precisely the procedure I had, aged 37, and it seems I’m not the only one.
Labiaplasty — surgery to reduce the inner or outer folds of the female vulva — is one of the fastest-growing cosmetic surgeries. According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), in 2022 there were 194,086 labiaplasty procedures. That’s an increase of 46 per cent from the previous four years, and figures continue to rise.
Labiaplasty, surgery to reduce the inner or outer folds of the female vulva, is one of the fastest-growing cosmetic surgeries
My surgeon, a gynaecologist of 30 years’ experience, tells me: ‘I’ve performed labia reduction surgery on hundreds of women, but no one talks about it.’
This rise in labiaplasty has been linked to the prevalence of pornography and the trend for women to forego all their body hair, with extreme waxing exposing every inch of body parts that were previously concealed.
Some celebrities have shared intimate details of their tightening and rejuvenation procedures. Thanks to them, labiaplasty is seen by some as silly, unnecessary ‘Barbie’ surgery for impressionable young women, keen only to impress their lovers.
Yet this does not represent my experience at all. I spent ten long years agonising about the appearance of my labia before making the decision to go under the knife.
During my mid to late twenties, I felt the inner folds of my genitals – my labia minora – had become swollen and I could see they were protruding from my outer labia. When I cycled, which I did regularly, they were becoming uncomfortable and sore.
I was fine with the rest of my body, even if my breasts are on the small side and my bottom could be perter. I felt no other need for surgery, except on my private parts.
What might surprise you, though, is that my desperate need to ‘fix’ down there wasn’t prompted by fear of men being repelled by it. In fact, I never once felt self-conscious making love – I often felt like a goddess in the bedroom and had a fulfilling sex life throughout my twenties and thirties, with several long-term partners.
Men never judged my body. Rather, they were totally accepting of all my curves, and just seemed delighted to be intimate with me, and me with them.
Instead, it was a terrible habit of comparing myself to other women that fuelled my concern. Glancing at them in the showers at my local pool, I could see their labia seemed neatly tucked away. What, I thought, would they think of mine if they happened to look?
Look at any swimsuit or underwear advert, and the female pubic area is represented by a smooth curve. And my private parts were in no way smooth.
So I googled ‘labia surgery’ – something I’d heard of but didn’t fully understand – and eventually plucked up the courage to book a consultation.
I was nervous about discussing this for the first time – it felt far too private and embarrassing to talk to friends or family about – but I need not have worried.
The doctor carried out a straightforward physical examination, which took less time than a smear test, and involved him simply looking and gently examining my vulva. Without making me feel like a freak, he agreed my labia were visibly enlarged. The cause, he said, could possibly be my cycling – I commuted to and from my office by bike every day. However, generally speaking, aside from changes brought about by childbirth, a woman’s labia will not change in size once she’s finished going through puberty.
While the consultant emphasised there is no such thing as ’normal’ when it comes to our genitals, he also judged that, in his surgical opinion, I was an appropriate candidate for labiaplasty.
He then drew a few diagrams, showing me the 5mm of excess tissue he would remove. The cost, including medication and private hospital fees, would be AU$5,370 (£2,750, USD$3,500).
Potential risk factors, as with all kinds of surgery, included excessive bleeding, infection and a potential loss of sensitivity, or nerve damage.
He also offered me a session with a psychotherapist to talk through any wider body image issues, which I declined.
Genuinely, I had no other hang-ups or doubts about the op – it was becoming a kind of loathing, and I didn’t want to hate a part of my body so closely tied in with my sense of femininity.
The surgeon found me an appointment just five weeks later, but I didn’t tell anyone what I was about to do. Instead, I told my new partner that I wanted to wait before we started having sex, and he agreed to be patient.
In the event, my surgery was surprisingly simple. Performed under general anaesthetic, it was the commonest form of labiaplasty: trimming back the inner labia so they are concealed inside the outer labia, or labia majora.
The excess tissue was removed using a technique called diathermy, which uses high-frequency electrical currents to remove tissue, thus minimising bleeding and inflammation.
It took less than an hour. I came round without feeling any pain and was sent off to use the bathroom. I feared what I would find but, to my amazement, all I could see was neat stitches on both sides, with a little swelling. My labia didn’t protrude at all.
I got a taxi home a few hours later and lay on the sofa for the rest of the day, working on my laptop.
I had been advised to wear pads but there was very little bleeding. I also wasn’t supposed to shower for three days or bathe for a week. Ice packs helped with the throbbing, and witch hazel compresses with my itchy stitches. After a few days, I was up and about, and after a fortnight felt fully recovered.
Sex isn’t advised for four to six weeks post-surgery, but by the fourth week I was fully healed. I did wait six weeks to have sex with my new partner – and that waiting time only heightened the anticipation for both of us.
My sensation during sex hadn’t been affected – if anything, there is greater sensitivity. Nor is there any visible scarring. And, of course, it was exciting to experience this with a new man.
Now my fiancé, we welcomed a baby girl two years ago, and the labiaplasty had no impact on my pregnancy or birth.
My partner still doesn’t know about my surgery and I never plan to tell him. I fear that if he did, he might fixate on it, making it a bigger issue than it needs to be.
Of course, surgery on such a delicate area is not something to rush. It’s essential to find a doctor qualified in genital surgery. I chose an experienced gynaecologist, not a cosmetic surgeon.
You should discuss every aspect of the procedure and also check out testimonies of previous patients online. A skilled surgeon will trim the labia without affecting the clitoris and surrounding area.
Thanks to doing my own homework, I’m one of the estimated 90 per cent of patients who are satisfied with their labiaplasty. I feel neater and more comfortable.
However, though I’m so pleased I underwent the procedure, I pity any woman who would do this simply to please a man.
I know some people might feel similarly about me, thinking that such a procedure is unnecessary or frivolous. Yet I think of it as ‘corrective’ rather than ‘cosmetic’ surgery, like removing an unsightly growth or mole.
Simply put, I did it for myself – I felt that my vulva was ugly, and now it is pretty. I feel so glad to be able to say I now adore it as much as every other part of me.