Sniffing coconut extract could help detect the earliest potential signs of a devastating memory robbing disease, scientists suggest.
Researchers found a simple at home ‘smell test’, whereby users are asked to identify and remember scents, could spot those at risk of developing Alzheimer’s.
The creators say the test could be used to spot patients years before other, more obvious symptoms develop and help fast track them for early treatment.Â
Experts have long suggested there is a link between the memory robbing disease and anosmia, the technical term for a complete or partial loss of smell.
Toxic proteins found in Alzheimer’s patients’ brains often develop in areas linked to our sense of smell.Â
Now, US scientists say trials of the test on nearly 200 patients showed those with cognitive impairment scored lower than those without the condition. Â
Cognitive impairment is mild trouble with memory and thinking which can be a precursor to full-blown dementia.
Senior author of the study Dr Mark Albers, an expert in neurology at Mass General Brigham in Massachusetts, said identifying patients at risk could make a huge difference to patient outcomes.  Â
Scientists have developed a DIY ‘sniff test’ that could detect Alzheimer’s years before other symptoms emerge
‘Early detection of cognitive impairment could help us identify those who are at risk of Alzheimer’s disease and intervene years before memory symptoms begin,’ he said.Â
The test involves people lifting a piece of care to their nose, inhaling, and trying to correctly identify the scent of coconut extract.
Another section of the test can ask them to distinguish between the smells on two cards, one being the aforementioned ‘coconut’ and another being ‘fresh bread’.Â
He added that the aim of the test is not to diagnose Alzheimer’s, but instead act as a low-cost screening tool to identify patients who may need further, more expensive tests.
If a diagnosis is confirmed, these patients would be eligible for potential early interventions to slow or combat the disease.
This study, published in the journal Scientific Reports, is the latest to link a loss of smell with Alzheimer’s — the most common form of dementia.
In 2022, a study on 500 patients found those who experienced a rapid loss of their sense of smell were 89 per cent more likely to develop the memory robbing disorder.Â
Another study the following year on 2,400 people found those with a poor sense of smell had a 2.5-fold increased risk of developing dementia.Â

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause of dementia. The disease can cause anxiety, confusion and short-term memory loss

Around 900,000 Brits are currently thought to have the memory-robbing disorder. But University College London scientists estimate this will rise to 1.7million within two decades as people live longer. It marks a 40 per cent uptick on the previous forecast in 2017
Experiencing a loss of smell doesn’t necessarily guarantee you have or are going to get dementia, as there a variety of potential causes.Â
These include illnesses like the common cold, the flu or Covid, a sinus infection, an allergy or even growths inside the nose called nasal polyps.
However, Britons are advised to contact their GP if their sense of small doesn’t return to normal after a few weeks.Â
Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of dementia in the UK.
Recent analysis by the Alzheimer’s Society estimates the overall annual cost of the dementia to the UK is £42billion a year, with families bearing the brunt.
An ageing population means these costs — which include lost earnings of unpaid carers — are set to soar to £90billion in the next 15 years.Â
Around 944,000 people in the UK are thought to be living with dementia, while the figure is thought to be around 7million in the US.
It is thought to be caused by a build-up of amyloid and tau in the brain, which clump together and from plaques and tangles that make it harder for the brain to work properly.
Eventually, the brain struggles to cope with this damage and dementia symptoms develop.
Memory problems, thinking and reasoning difficulties and language problems are common early symptoms of the condition, which then worsen over time.
Alzheimer’s Research UK analysis found 74,261 people died from dementia in 2022 compared with 69,178 a year earlier, making it the country’s biggest killer.