Yorkshire terrier survives brutal shark attack after menacing beast took a bite of her bottom but let the dog go ‘because she wasn’t tasty enough’

Yorkshire terrier survives brutal shark attack after menacing beast took a bite of her bottom but let the dog go ‘because she wasn’t tasty enough’

The world’s luckiest Yorkshire terrier is thought to have survived a deadly shark attack after being bitten on the bottom because the predator simply didn’t ‘like the taste’.

Maddie, a nine-year-old Yorkshire terrier, was on her owner’s boat when she fell into the water off the northeast coast of Florida.

Bill and Terri Hoge watched in horror as their prized pup disappeared beneath the waves near the dock in St Augustine.

Ms Hoge told local outlet News 4 Jax: ‘It seemed like an eternity, but it was like ten seconds that she was under, and, of course, I’m freaking out. I was like ‘Oh my gosh, I’ll never see her again’.’

When Maddie suddenly remerged, Mr Hoge dived into the water to save his pooch – only to find she had multiple bite wounds, a broken pelvis and severe bruising.

Maddie, a nine-year-old Yorkshire terrier, was on her owner’s boat when she fell into the water off the northeast coast of Florida

It is believed the pup was attacked by a bull or lemon shark (pictured) who didn't enjoy the taste of her fur enough to finish its meal (Stock image)

It is believed the pup was attacked by a bull or lemon shark (pictured) who didn’t enjoy the taste of her fur enough to finish its meal (Stock image)

The animal was raced to a nearby emergency veterinary clinic.

‘The vet found six deep puncture wounds in one thigh, heavy bruising on the other, and a pelvis broken in three places,’ Mr Hoge said.

Although Maddie’s owners theorised she had been injured by the boat’s propeller but the vet believed it was a shark attack.

Mr Hoge said: ‘She called her colleagues around the country to get some information on what this could be and they all said it was a shark.’

It is believed that the shark dragged Maddie beneath the waves in its jaws and shook her vigorously, breaking her pelvis in three places.

The veterinary experts suggested that if it had been a propeller, the pup would have been split in half.

Mr and Mrs Hoge now believe the predator was a bull or lemon shark – both of which are frequently spotted off the coast of Florida.

While bull sharks can grow to be 12-foot and lemon sharks can be as large as 10-foot, it is believed Maddie’s attacker was younger – given that the tiny pooch managed to wriggle away to safety. 

But the Florida couple have another theory – the shark let go of their dog because it didn’t like the unfamiliar taste of her fur.

Maddie is still in severe pain but recovering at home. 

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